Which Video Game Character is Your Visitor Persona?

It’s pretty amazing to see how creative some people get with their posts. Yes, infographics are great, but what about the almost-lost art of just plain graphs? The brilliantly creative minds over at Orbit Media Studios came up with a pretty great graph to describe visitor personas…… using characters from classic 80’s video games.

Sneak peak

Video game personas




Well we can’t give them all the credit. As they point out in the bottom of the article “This article is based on a presentation given by Jenny Magic and Brian Massey at Content Marketing World. The original methodology is theirs. I just added some content types and the video game references. Brian’s got a book out called Customer Creation Equation. Check it out!”

The visitor personas are broken down into four categories – Mario, Galaga, Frogger, and Pac-Man. How does each character act? What are their characteristics?

To find out more, read the article HERE.