You may not even know it, but your website could be flooded with porn. No, not that kind (dirty mind). I’m talking about “business porn.”
What exactly is “business porn?” It’s all that irrelevant stock photography that is supposed to bring a corporate edge to your website.
So cover your eyes, because you see it all the time!
Now when is stock photography business porn? Brian Massey gives a basic tip to identify it, just add a caption to your stock photo. Take a look at the image below:
Here’s my caption: Oh look at us, we’re all so corporate looking, wearing fancy suites, and doing absolutely nothing!
Now would you put place a caption like that on your site? I sure hope not… Brian’s are way more clever though. Don’t believe me? Click HERE to read his post.
And just how important is eliminating “business porn?” It just might help better increase your conversions. In fact, it’s one of the 27 Ways To Reduce Shopping Fears On Your Ecommerce Website according to Visual Website Optimizer.
Case in point, use real photos to represent your company or brand. Go to a studio, use Photoshop, and make them look pretty! You’ll be glad you did.
For more on identifying “business porn” ready Brian’s post via Customer Creation Equation.