Conversion Quiz: How Confident Are You In Your Conversion Knowledge?

Test Your Knowledge of ConversionLead Generation, Segmentation, and Conversion make up 3 key elements of a thriving and growing business. But are you familiar enough with these terms and how they work together in your marketing strategy to see significant results? Let’s take a quick review, shall we?

The Blue Line of Conversion The Blue Line of Conversion

Get your visitors above the Blue Line.

The “blue line” is a metaphor we like to use that separates the number of people that have taken action on your website and the number of people that come to your website. You need to get your visitors above that line. You’ve done the ground work to get your leads in, but have you provided the tools necessary to get your visitors above that line?

Lead Generation is different from Selling Online
Lead Generation is different from Selling Online

Lead Generation is not ecommerce.

Lead generation is a consultative approach. Don’t try to convince your visitors but provide information to help them make a decision. What are you offering your audience to help them take action? Are you designing proper landing pages with offers like free reports, videos, or more information?

Test Your Knowledge of Conversion-SegmentationSegmentation in CRO

Have you become a victim of segment cancelling?

Let’s say you created a seemingly brilliant conversion strategy, but you don’t see any significant increase in revenue even after multiple tests. Is all hope lost? Not necessarily. Maybe you’ve seen some response in a few leads, but not in others. Segmentation focuses in on the specific characteristics of your audience like demographics and behavior that helps you target and optimize your offers for better conversions.

Now after reviewing these terms, are you feeling pretty confident about your conversion knowledge? Take the Unbounce Conversion Marketing Quiz and prove just how brilliant you are.



Using Google Tag Manager: Software Review

IT vs Marketing

Don’t be nervous, IT. Be afraid.

Marketing is slowly but surely slipping control of technology from your keyboard-calloused little fingers. Your long release cycles and distrust of marketing technology will no longer be tolerated.

The newest tool in marketers’ control is Google Tag Manager, and it is a powerful tool for marketers, if used right.

We recently reviewed Google Tag Manager, which makes it dangerously easy for marketers to manage the javascript “Tags” that are on their sites.

Marketers can use this tool to implementing new site features without asking IT to make changes.

The review was voted one of the Fab 5 Business Software Reviews on IT review site TrustRadius. Who are we to argue with them?

Here are some Pros and Cons we found:

* Integrates well in Google Analytics

* Lists a history of site changes

* Won’t support AB software

* Requires extensive Q&A

Google Tag Manager makes adding features and analytics to a site easy. But, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Brian advises to thoroughly test changes and be ready to debug any sudden problems.

Read Fab 5 Business Software Reviews for more comprehensive tools and software for your business.

The Business Porn Crackdown

You may not even know it, but your website could be flooded with porn. No, not that kind (dirty mind). I’m talking about “business porn.”

What exactly is “business porn?” It’s all that irrelevant stock photography that is supposed to bring a corporate edge to your website.

So cover your eyes, because you see it all the time!

Now when is stock photography business porn? Brian Massey gives a basic tip to identify it, just add a caption to your stock photo. Take a look at the image below:

Here’s my caption: Oh look at us, we’re all so corporate looking, wearing fancy suites, and doing absolutely nothing!

Now would you put place a caption like that on your site? I sure hope not… Brian’s are way more clever though. Don’t believe me? Click HERE to read his post.

And just how important is eliminating “business porn?” It just might help better increase your conversions. In fact, it’s one of the 27 Ways To Reduce Shopping Fears On Your Ecommerce Website according to Visual Website Optimizer.

Case in point, use real photos to represent your company or brand. Go to a studio, use Photoshop, and make them look pretty! You’ll be glad you did.

For more on identifying “business porn” ready Brian’s post via Customer Creation Equation.