On page 83 of my book, I introduced the concept of “Business Porn.” Business Porn is the stock photography found on business websites that is irrelevant at best, and pandering at its worst.
To see if you have business porn on your site, I suggest that you write a caption for the image. For many of these images, the caption would be something these:
Diversity. Just the thought of it makes these white people smile.
We believe everyone works better when they work together,
even if they’re just standing around.
If you would wouldn’t put the caption on your site, don’t use the image.
Both of these images and the caption quotes come from a parody video aired on a canceled TV show called Better Off Ted. Some of the classic business stockphotos are here:
These people love what they are seeing.
No, it’s not a cat video.
We want to shake your hand so you can
start sending us checks.
“Diversity. Good for us.” Watch on YouTube
Two seasons of Better Off Ted are available on Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.
Love it! That is a definite quotable.
And, Better off Ted was a really good show. All the good ones go the way of the archives.
I miss Better off Ted, but was grateful for the new season of Arrested Development on Netflix last year.
You and me both!