Charging Your Marketing Batteries with Video


The folks at video hosting company Wistia have made it easier to charge our marketing batteries using video.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with marketing batteries, here’s a quick explanation.

You spend time and money getting people to visit your site.

  • You invest in content that draws search traffic
  • You pay for advertising to get new visitors to your site
  • You share with social networks to get attention

Most of this traffic will bounce away or leak out of your site without taking action. Now, imagine that you can save up some of that hard-won and expensive traffic so that you could try again later to turn them into a customer. This is the job of the marketing battery.

One way to store marketing “juice” is the Subscriber Battery. It is charged by asking for – at a minimum – an email address, usually in exchange for some interesting time of content.

This is where we get back to Wistia’s new offering Turnstile.

Turnstile is a feature of the Wistia video player that requires a visitor to enter their email address before viewing your video. This is great news for businesses that are comfortable creating video, but get bogged down in creating landing pages, registration forms and logins.

Right now, Turnstile only allows you to collect email address; no names, phone numbers or qualifying information. Nonetheless, this is a nicely integrated way to use videos to charge a subscriber battery.

Now, what will you send these new subsribers?


Would you buy a book with this cover?

Think about the last business book you bought. What was it about the cover that you liked?

Book Cover Concept #2
Concept A: The Conversion Equation
Book Cover Concept #1
Concept B: Me, of course
Book Cover Concept #3
Concept C: Whimsical Drawings

Having finally settled on a name for the book, it is time to decide on a cover design strategy.

As always, you get a vote.

Help me out and get a free copy of the book

Every contributor gets a free copy of the book when it is published (soon!). Just let us know in the comments which concept you think you would most likely buy. You can even propose your own cover concepts, or include links to covers you think are particularly effective.

For curious marketers

My readers are curious marketers. They get tons of advice from marketing professionals day after day. They are wary of more of the same. I want the cover of my book to convey a bit of fun with the learning. Thus each of these concepts is a bit… off.

A marketing equation? Is that scary?

A guy in a lab coat.

A cartoon drawing of the typical shopping cart.

Should I be more serious and conventional? I look forward to reading your comment on the issue.

Thanks in advance for your sage guidance.