Call to Action Conference Scrapbook

I was privileged to be invited to speak at the inaugural gathering of the Call to Action Conference hosted by the fine folks at Unbounce.


I may be speaking in a city near you. Details

MarketingProfs B2B Forum Boston
Oct 8-10
Hero Conversion Summit Indianapolis
Oct 13-15
Ascend Summit Philadelphia
Oct 22-24
Ungagged Conference Las Vegas
Nov 15-17
Conversion Hotel Amsterdam
Nov 20-23

You can save on these conferences.

It was quite a time.

My talk was on Optimizing the Crap out of Landing Pages for Lead Generation. Here are the major points from that presentation

Consulting vs. Convincing

When you are generating leads, you are consulting, not convincing. You’re helping visitors make their decision.

Five things that affect Lead Generation

There are five things we look for in a lead generation landing page.

  1. Value proposition and messaging
  2. User eXperience and Layout
  3. Social Proof
  4. Trust
  5. Risk Reversal

One or two of these will be significant issues with your visitors.

Words Matter Most

Of the five things listed above, we find that finding the right words delivers the biggest increases in conversion rate.

This means testing the words used in headlines and calls to action as well as copy.

Measure Quality

As you are working to improve your conversion rate, you must be sure that you are not reducing the quality of the leads you are generating. To measure lead quality consider:

  • Sales close rate
  • Length of the sales cycle
  • Revenue/Inquiries per email recipient
  • Email opt-out rates

If these turn negative, then your optimization efforts may be hurting more than they help.

Here are some images from the event. Will you come see me when I’m in a city near you?