Lon Safko Sees Marketing Connections Everywhere

Lon Safko wrote the bible, that is, the Social Media Bible, now in its third edition. When you take on a subject as sweeping and fast-changing as the entirety of social media, you can’t come away from it unaffected.

I met Lon. He’s been affected.

But Lon’s affliction is that he now sees connections between marketing channels that others would miss. He’s like a marketing version John Forbes Nash, Jr. who was depicted in the movie A Beautiful Mind.

He’s written his visions down in a  book called The Fusion Marketing Bible. I got to see him present at Engage Mexico and took copious notes. For you.

lon safko marketing fusion engage mexico-1000x3000Click to Enlarge

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Your Mobile Customer Equation with Jamie Turner [INFOGRAPH]

When talking about mobile marketing strategy, Jamie Turner claims, [pullquote]”The smaller the screen, the closer the visitor is to buying.”[/pullquote]

If you hear him talk, you understand why it makes sense.

I got to hear Jamie talk, and captured his wisdom in an Instagraph for you.

jamie turner mobile marketing engage mexico instagraph

Jamie Turner tells us exactly how to make mobile a part of our Customer Creation Equation.

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What’s Working on Facebook with Andrea Vahl [INFOGRAPH]

Thank god for people like Andrea Vahl who can in one hour bring you up to speed on what is and is not working in social media. They’ve spent the time to stay on top of things so we don’t have to.

This is my live Instagraph of Andrea’s presentation from Engage Mexico in Puerto Vallarta.

Andrea Vahl Facebook Instagraph Infograph Engage Mexico Brian Massey

Instagraph recorded live during Andrea Vahl’s presentation at Engage Mexico.

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